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Platform, Train Station, Dumb Ways to Die

Dumb Ways To Die Merch Madness In-Game Giveaway Competition

29th of February 2024

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions;


  • “Competition” means the Merch Madness In-Game Giveaway Competition.

  • "Promoter" refers to PlaySide Studios Limited ACN 154 789 554 of Level 1, 75Crockford Street, Port Melbourne, Victoria 3207.

  • "Prize" refers to a Dumb Ways to Die merchandise item up to the value of AUD$60.00.

  • By playing the “Dumb Ways to Die” original mobile game you are deemed to haveagreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. The Competition is a weekly com-petition commencing on February 29th, 2024 and will continue until an announcement ismade by the Promoter for the Competition's conclusion on the Promoter’s social mediaaccounts (“Competition Period”).

  • The Competition is open only to individuals who are residents of Australia and the UnitedStates (each, a “region”) and who are not employees of the Promoter or their respectiveimmediate family members (“Participants”).

  • To enter the Competition, Participants must play the “Dumb Ways to Die” original mobilegame and if selected as a winner, participants may opt out at that point. A Participantcan enter the Competition as many times as they like and can win multiple times.

  • The Competition is a game of skill. Chance plays no part in the selection of the Prize re-cipients (“Winners”). For each 7-day period during the Competition Period commencingon February 29th, 2024, three (3) weekly Winners will be judged by the Promoter fromeach region based on the top three (3) highest score rankings achieved on the “DumbWays to Die” original mobile game for that 7-day period on Friday 12 pm AustralianEastern Daylight Time of the same week.

  • Winners will be contacted through the in-game mailbox and will receive a one-time-usecode to redeem a Prize (which will be determined by the Promoter based on the Win-ner’s score ranking in the top (3) highest scores for the relevant 7-day period) on the of-ficial Dumb Ways to Die shop - (“Online Store”)

  • The Promoter's judgment on the Winners and their respective Prizes is final and no cor-respondence will be entered into.

  • No responsibility is accepted if the Winner does not redeem their Prize in those circum-stances, the Prize will be forfeited by the Winner and no other prize or cash will beawarded to the Winner in lieu of the Prize.

  • Prizes are non-negotiable, non-transferable and non-refundable. No cash alternative isavailable. Where a Prize becomes unavailable for any reason, the Promoter reservesthe right to substitute that Prize for a Prize of equal or higher value.

  • Winners who choose to redeem their Prize are required to supply their name, address,contact details and shipping address to the Promoter through the Online Store to enablefulfillment of the Prize. If the Winner is less than 18 years old, they are required to seektheir parent’s or guardian’s consent (as applicable) to supply their parents or guardian’sdetails (as applicable) to the Online Store.

  • The Promoter collects personal information in order to conduct the Competition. ThePromoter may, for the purpose of conducting the Competition, disclose such informationto third parties, including agents, contractors, service providers, suppliers and, as re-quired, to regulatory agencies. Participation is conditional on providing this information.Personal information collected by the Promoter will be managed in accordance with itsPrivacy Policy (

  • If the Competition is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted asreasonably anticipated by the Promoter, or in the event of unforeseen circumstances be-yond the Promoter’s reasonable control, including but not limited to technical difficulties,unauthorised intervention or fraud, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion,to the fullest extent permitted by law: (a) to disqualify any Participant; or (b) to modify,suspend, terminate or cancel the Competition or these Terms and Conditions, either inwhole or in part, as it deems appropriate and with or without notice.

  • The Promoter reserves the right to verify the validity of Participants (including proof ofidentity and residency) and disqualify any Participant that it determines, in its sole discre-tion, has engaged in conduct in entering the Competition which is fraudulent, misleading,deceptive or generally damaging to the goodwill or reputation of the Competition or thePromoter, or has otherwise not complied with these Terms and Conditions.

  • Nothing in these Terms and Conditions limits, excludes or modifies or purports to limit,exclude, or modify the statutory consumer guarantees as provided under the Competi-tion and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) or similar consumer protection laws in the State andTerritories of Australia or in the United States of America (“Non-Excludable Guaran-tees”).

  • Except for any liability that cannot by law be excluded, including the Non-ExcludableGuarantees:

    • the Promoter’s liability under or in connection with the competition or theseTerms and Conditions shall be limited to the cost price of the Prize in question.

    • the Promoter shall not be liable under or in connection with these Terms andConditions, the Competition or any Prize for any indirect, special or consequen-tial cost, expense, loss or damage suffered by a Participant even if such cost, ex-pense, loss or damage was reasonably foreseeable or might reasonably havebeen contemplated by the Participant and the Promoter and whether arising frombreach of contract, tort, negligence, breach of statutory duty or otherwise.

  • The Competition is governed by the laws of Victoria, Australia. All Participants submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria, Australia.


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